From Ghee to Digestive Health: Ayurvedic Insights with Myra Lewin

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Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, and the digestive issues that often accompany them? In this interview with Myra Lewin from Hale Pule, we explore how some simple and practical Ayurveda principles can help. From covering the benefits of ghee to offering practical advice on managing stress and anxiety, including specific foods and practices that support a healthy gut, this podcast interview with Mrya covers a lot but with many easy-to-implement steps. 

She emphasizes the need to stimulate digestion before meals, maintain a regular eating schedule, and avoid intermittent fasting. Myra also highlights how our digestive health affects our mental and emotional wellness, recommending satvik foods like fresh fruits and vegetables for mental clarity. Additionally, she provides tips on improving sleep and boosting energy.

Myra Lewin is an Ayurvedic practitioner and Master Yogini, spanning over 30+ years of practice. She is the founder of Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga and the author of several Ayurvedic books. Hale Pule is a center for healing and education committed to sharing the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga. Myra distills the principles of Ayurveda and Yoga into simple terms and practices, allowing us to bring wellness, balance, and vitality into modern living.

In this week's episode with Myra Lewin, you’ll discover:

  • How Ghee supports digestion 
  • Digestion involves both physical and mental processes
  • Tips to boost digestion before meals
  • Gratitude and mindfulness enhance digestion and health.
  • Satvik foods like fresh fruits and vegetables support mental wellness.
  • How to achieve better sleep using Ayurveda principles 
  • And so much more!

Episode Highlights: 

00:00 Introduction to Myra Lewin and Ayurveda
03:41 The Transformative Power of Ghee
07:23 Understanding Digestion in Ayurveda
09:15 The Three Aspects of Nature and Digestion
15:43 Practical Tips for Improving Digestion
26:37 Stimulating Digestive Capacity with Ginger
36:58 Promoting Mental Wellness with Satvik Foods
42:51 Improving Sleep Quality for Overall Well-being
44:39 Increasing Energy Levels: Natural Approaches for Children
47:21 Rapid fire questions

Episode resources: 

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