Natural Therapies

Natural Therapies

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 ways it can help heal your body

6.8K Views Sandi Louise Ross Sandi Louise Ross

Discover the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 ways that it can help heal your body.

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Natural Therapies

5 Easy Ways To Reduce Inflammation

55K Views Ronald Goedeke Ronald Goedeke

Inflammation in the body is linked to a range of chronic diseases. Reduce your risk, and calm inflammation naturally with these tips.

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Natural Therapies

Doctor Devotes Career To Using Therapeutic Power Of Ancient Medicine


Indian doctor devotes his career to using therapeutic power of ancient medicine. Explore which spices can be used to treat chronic diseases!

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Natural Therapies

Are You Sick Of Medication? Discover A More Natural Way!

3.6K Views Michael Tamez Michael Tamez

Discover the importance of listening to your body and reducing your need for medication.

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Natural Therapies

10 Tips For Surviving A Cold

10K Views Mairead James Mairead James

Trying to prevent or reduce symptoms of a cold or the flu? Try these 10 natural flu-fighting tips!

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Natural Therapies

A Safe And Effective Alternative To Hormone Replacement Therapy

6.1K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Pueraria Mirifica is one of the most potent, safe, and effective natural hormone replacement options. Find out why and how it works here.

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Natural Therapies

5 Health Benefits Of Oregano Oil

16K Views The Chalkboard Mag The Chalkboard Mag

It's that time of the year that our bodies need a little extra TLC. There's one little herb that has gone unnoticed until now. …

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Natural Therapies

10 Tips To Detox Naturally

77K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Discover simple ways to cleanse your body naturally with our 10 natural detox tips!

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Natural Therapies

Vitamin C Can Kill Colorectal Cancer Cells!


Half of colorectal cancer cases don’t respond to conventional treatment methods. Now, research suggests this nutrient could be the answer thousands of people have …

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Natural Therapies

What Not To Do To Prevent The Flu

18K Views Meredith Youngson Meredith Youngson

When it comes down to staying healthy, prevention through food and lifestyle habits are key. Keep these 5 tips in mind to keep your …

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