10 Need-To-Know Health Benefits Of Ginger
Ginger is packed full of macro and micronutrients, fatty acids and amino acids. It is even classified as one of the world's healthiest spices according to the The World's Healthiest Foods.
There are so many reasons to incorporate ginger into our everyday eating patterns. Not only does it bring a distinct aroma and flavor to our foods, it also brings many health benefits along with it.
Here are 10 you simply need to know about:
1. Aids Digestion
By increasing digestive fluids and saliva, ginger helps to increase the stomach's gastric motility, allowing it to aid in digestive issues.
2. Assists With Inflammation
Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties which can help relieve symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism.
3. Calms Nausea
Ginger helps to calm motion sickness, prevent morning sickness and is also recommended to those experiencing chemotherapy-induced nausea.
4. Assists In The Repercussions Of Diabetes
Ginger has a naturally low GI and helps to assist in the implications of diabetes by reducing levels of serum glucose and maintaining blood sugar levels. It also helps to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
5. Herbal Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease
In traditional Chinese Medicine, herbs and spices that contain high levels of phytochemicals such as ginger are used as a preventative for Alzheimer-free aging.
6. Antihistamine and Decongestant
Ginger helps to decongest cold and flu-like symptoms while relieving headaches and sore throats.
7. Assists in Weight loss
Ginger can act as a fat burner by maintaining satiety, which means that you feel full for longer.
8. Treats Heartburn
Ginger inhibits acid reflux, helping to soothe the effects of heartburn better than some medications.
9. Improves Nutrient Absorption
Ginger helps to activate the enzymes in the body that assimilate essential nutrient absorption.
10. Reduces Flatulence
Due to ginger’s ability to aid in digestion, it also alleviates the symptoms of flatulence.
Another fantastic thing about ginger, apart from benefiting our health, of course, is the flavor it brings to our foods. Whether it be sweet or savoury, there is always a great way and great reason to incorporate ginger into our diets!
What Is Your Favourite Way To Include Ginger Into Your Diet?
Need some Ginger inspiration?
Try our Ginger Anti-inflammatory Smoothie Recipe
Warm up with our Cleansing Turmeric Ginger Tea Recipe
Benefit Your Taste-buds and Health with our Raw Vitamin C and Ginger Slice
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