5 Ways To Reduce Your Menopause Symptoms

Laurentine ten Bosch LAURENTINE TEN BOSCH

The female body undergoes a number of different transitional stages during its lifetime. One stage of life for women is reaching menopause. Some women suffer more than others when it comes to symptoms. For whatever stage you may be, here are 5 ways you can reduce your menopause symptoms, in a naturally safe and beautiful manner.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

By avoiding high-stress situations that can affect the physical body and emotional state of mind, can help reduce menopausal symptoms dramatically. If you cannot avoid these types of pressured stress, it is important to find a way of coping with it, up front. It can be through basic exercises, yoga, meditation, practicing mindfulness or even listening to healing music. Anything that can help you maintain a sense of connection with your own emotions.

Need some help? Check out these 5 Simple Ways to Instantly Reduce Stress In Your Life. Or try some of these Natural Stress Relievers.

Eat Well

Eating well is a must. We all know that different types of foods have the ability to alter our moods and change our regular behaviors. During this transitional time, it is best to be eating clean, nutrient dense foods while staying away from sugary, synthetic or processed foods.

We all know it can be difficult at times, as emotions can sometimes get the better of us, and we may think that certain foods will make us feel better on the premise that they taste good, rather than actually benefiting our health. But in reality, they will leave us feeling worse than before. We've got some great tips to help you learn how to be more mindful with your food. 


Acupuncture is one of the most traditional forms of therapy in Chinese medicine. Acupuncture can be recommended to those suffering menopausal symptoms due to it’s ability to balance hormones in the body. Acupuncture also helps to manage stress by detoxifying and reducing the stress levels in the body.

Although acupuncture is traditionally used to treat joint and muscle pains, a recent study shows that the therapeutics of acupuncture significantly reduced the symptoms of hot flushes and found benefit for mood swings during menopausal transitions with no adverse reactions. 

Stick to Natural Alternatives to Balance Hormones

Herbal and homeopathic remedies can be the safest option when it comes to balance hormones. When the body is undergoing natural transition stages, doesn’t it makes sense to treat it naturally, therefore avoiding any further disruptions from synthetics hormones, that our bodies may not recognise.

Although Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) is commonly used to treat menopausal symptoms, it puts women in danger of high risk side effects such as increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease. If you are looking for natural alternatives, Maca Root is a great natural support for balancing hormones. Phytoestrogenic compounds are highly recommended as they contain a similar structure as the estrogen hormone, making it recognisable to the body. 


There are a variety of amazing natural supplements available to help assist in the management of menopause. One of our favorite’s is A-ma-ta by Dr. Christiane Northrup. A-ma-ta is sourced from the estrogenic herb, Pueraria Mirifica, which is found in SouthEast Asia and contains up to three powerful phytoestrogens.

Recent studies show the plant’s benefits as a promising alternative to Hormonal Replacement Therapy due to its ability to provide relief to those suffering menopausal symptoms. 

Dr. Christiane Northrup is a leading expert on women’s health and wellness. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Oz and has shared her knowledge with us in the Hungry For Change film. To learn more about the beautiful range of A-ma-ta products click here!


These 5 ways of reducing menopause symptoms requires you to show yourself some tender love and care. To reduce stress levels, you may need to put yourself first from time to time. To eat well, you must be considering your own body’s health. To choose natural alternatives, you are protecting yourself from harmful side effects. To choose quality supplements for your body, you are promising the best care for yourself. It's a time for self-care, self-love, and evolution. Your body is amazing and it has achieved incredible things. Be kind to it and look forward to the next chapter to come.

What Are Your Tips On Reducing Menopausal Symptoms?

Need some help reducing stress? Check out these 5 Simple Ways to Instantly Reduce Stress In Your Life.
Try some of these Natural Stress Relievers.

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