
What Healthy Chef, Cynthia Louise, Really Eats Every Day!

by Ivette Rieksts Nov 14, 2017 2.7K Views

Curious to find out what a day in the life of Chef, foodie and raw foodist entails? Catch our exclusive Q & A with Chef Cynthia Louise.


How Much Sugar Is Hiding In Your Favorite Cereals?

by James Colquhoun Apr 26, 2016 1.4K Views

How many teaspoons of sugar are lurking in your favorite cereal? Uncover what's hiding in some of the most common cereals...


5 Reasons Why Your Body Will Love Lucuma!

by Laurentine ten Bosch May 04, 2016 15K Views

Are you searching for a natural sweetener that won't spike your blood sugar levels or harm your health? Look no further than lucuma! Discover why this is one incredible superfood that you don't want to walk past in the health food aisle.


Morning Rituals We Are Committing to This Year!

by James Colquhoun Jan 08, 2019 2.8K Views

While there may not be one morning routine that works for everyone, there are a number of rituals and practices that, more often than not, set up a successful and happy day for anyone who gives them a try! Here are 6 morning rituals we will be committing to this year.


14 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

by Laurentine ten Bosch Sep 29, 2015 66K Views

Chia seeds have been used for years, both for nutrients and for medicinal reasons. Here are 14 reasons why you should be adding chia seeds to your every day diet.


10 Natural Ways to Debloat Quickly

by Laurentine ten Bosch Aug 11, 2017 47K Views

When your clothes feel too tight, your belly is uncomfortable, and you’re feeling self-conscious, reach for one of these naturally anti-bloating tricks!


4 Health Foods To Exercise Caution With

by Tess Patrick Jan 11, 2021 1.6K Views

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘you can have too much of a good thing?’ Until recently, I had always assumed that this wasn’t always the case when it came to healthy foods - can you really have too many vegetables? Maybe that’s not the case with all of the good nourishing foods like leafy greens or veggie sticks, but there are a handful of foods that are praised as miracle foods, and we should really be exercising a little further caution with them.


Cravings - What They Actually Mean

by Michele Chevalley Hedge Apr 10, 2016 27K Views

Those cravings aren’t random! Find out why you have specific cravings and what it means about your body.


How to Control Your Emotions Rather Than be a Slave to Them

by Laurentine ten Bosch Feb 08, 2021 15K Views

Emotions create energy in the body and when negative energy is stored in the body it can have a long-term effect on your health and in some cases, lead to chronic disease and illness.


Apple Cider Vinegar - The Wonder 'Drug' of Yesterday and Today

Apr 07, 2011 34K Views

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular alternative health remedies in use today. It's easy to obtain, cheap and simple to use. Health benefits are wide spread and range from weight loss, treating heartburn and reversing diabetes.

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