Stress-Free Morning Habits
Each day we awake with the same offering; a chance to start anew. An offering to approach the day ahead with a certain mindset. A minute to start the day as we mean to go on. It sounds blissful when you romanticize it like this, only the reality is often somewhat more chaotic. Missed alarms and dirty school uniforms. Breakfast on the run and a quick load of washing. The AM to-do list is inescapable and we’ve all felt the stress of it at some point. So if you’re wanting to start doing something for you in the mornings, but you’re running short of time, here are a few stress-free morning habits. Not only are they easy to get done in a matter of moments, but they simultaneously work to alleviate any other stresses that may be sneaking up on you. Carve out a few moments for your mind in the midst of the chaos.
1. Lemon Water
Each morning in our house is started with a glass of spring water with a freshly squeezed lemon. This is one of the easiest rituals to start your day with, abundant with benefits. As the metal stresses begin to take a physical toll on our body, this alkalizing drink flushes out toxins along the way. But that’s not all! Discover more powerful benefits of drinking lemon water.
2. Drink Greens
To carry on the goodness from the lemon water, my days often begin with a fresh, cold-pressed green juice. I make mine each morning, using locally-grown, organic vegetables - but this isn’t as easy or available for everyone! Another way I love to up my daily dose of greens in the morning is through a good-quality, nutrient-dense greens powder - I have this in a smoothie or just with some water on its own. It’s the best way to boost my daily greens in no time. You can shop my favorite greens powder, here.
3. Mindfulness & Meditation
Just as I like to encourage others on their meditation journey, I find my personal practice to be equally as important. This moment of breathwork and mindfulness allows me to step away from any stresses of the day. It’s a moment to be truly present, grateful, and honor myself. It doesn’t always have to be a long practice either, just 10-minutes a morning will do.
4. Sun Salutations
If I don’t have time for a yoga practice in the morning, I begin my day with a series of sun salutations. The flow of asanas encourages a flow of energy throughout my body, truly waking me for the day ahead. It’s a great way to improve strength and flexibility, often used as a warm-up for Vinyasa classes, but as my friend Lauren writes, you can turn it into a moving meditation too.
5. Cold Water Exposure
Between Wim Hof and teenage sports movies, ice-baths have been gaining a lot more attention lately. Whether you’re plunging into the arctic ocean or submerging yourself in a chest freezer, there are widespread health benefits. It also doesn’t have to be any more complicated than your usual routine. Simply swap the last 30-seconds of your shower to the cold temperature. As well as waking you up for the day (and doing the world of good for your hair), you start to support your body’s natural processes - including the stress response.
6. Make The Bed
To change the world, start by making your bed. It’s what the world’s most successful leaders are doing. Not only is it a simple task to help you feel like you’ve accomplished something so early in the morning, but after a long day you can just pull back the covers and roll into a deep slumber.
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