5 Must Try Raw Recipes
Simply Raw! Reversing diabetes in 30 days is a must watch film on FMTV that chronicles six Americans with ‘incurable' diabetes. The documentary follows these individuals on a 30-day raw food journey to better health, after 30 days the participants no longer need their insulin……
'Simply Raw’ has received loads of community support and accolades to the power of a raw food plant based diet. Not sure how to add raw foods into your diet? We have compiled a list of our top raw food recipe ideas to get you started!
1. The Perfect Green Juice
This juice is an excellent source of easily digestible alkaline minerals, such as potassium which is particularly helpful when cleansing, recipe here!
2. Raw Zucchini Pomodoro
This recipe is taken from the 'Food Matters Recipe Book’ and one of our absolute favorites! It’s quick to make and tastes just as good as the regular pasta version, without the heavy feeling post-meal! Recipe here!
3. Raw Vegetable Juice Pulp Crackers
Are you an avid juicer but hate wasting all of your pulp? This recipe is perfect for you!
4. Raw Beet Burgers
Not only 100% vegan and gluten free, but the buns are made from portobello mushrooms so it’s super filling! Recipe here!
5. Raw Pecan Caramel Slice
A favorite for the Food Matters team, this slice has us daydreaming each time we see it! It's nutritious, easy-to-make, and totally mouth-watering. You'd never know it was good for you! This recipe is a must try!
The film follows each participant's remarkable journey and captures the medical, physical, and emotional transformations brought on by this diet and lifestyle change. We witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is revealed, with startling clarity, is that diet can reverse Type II Diabetes and change lives.
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