Jim Kwik’s Top 11 Brain-Boosting Foods


If you’re feeling like your brain is foggy, slow and you’re finding it hard to remember things and generally keep on top of your day-to-day life, you might need to add more of these brain-boosting foods to your diet.  Learning and brain expert Jim Kwik shares his top foods to help you work your brain to reach your full potential.

1. Water

Your body is 70% water, your brain is 70% water and you want to be able to hydrate that. Your brain is only about 2% of your body mass but it requires 20% of the nutrients so keep that water up!

2. Avocados

Containing good, healthy fats, avocados increase a number of different feel-good chemicals in the brain. Avocados are also a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids that assist with brain function, mood regulation, and emotions.

3. Blueberries

Jim calls them brain berries!

Full of anthocyanins, blueberries provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects which help combat brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases and also supports improved communication between brain cells.

4. Broccoli

Your mum was right! Broccoli is good for your health and for your brain because it is high in antioxidants as well as Vitamin K so it helps protect the brain against damage and helps with better memory function.

5. Coconut Oil

The fatty acids in coconut oil are good for your brain and have even been linked to supporting people with Alzheimer’s Disease

6. Eggs

There are a number of reasons why eggs are great for the brain, with essential fatty acids, Vitamins B6 and B12, folate and choline, which help to regulate mood, memory and cognitive function.

7. Green Leafy Vegetables

Containing large amounts of folate, green leafy vegetables and spinach, in particular, can help reduce symptoms of depression and are very neuroprotective.

8. Wild Salmon

The Omega-3 fatty acids in wild salmon (and sardines) are good for the brain. If you’re not getting enough of this essential fatty acid you may notice a cognitive decline, emotional imbalances and mood issues.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric, extremely good for the brain with great anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric helps to improve memory, ease depression and help new brain cells grow.  Jim Kwik likes to make a golden tea with turmeric and pepper to help absorb the benefits. Some people like honey, some almond milk as a base.

10. Walnuts

Nuts, and in particular Walnuts improve cognition and memory and slow mental decline. Even if you notice, we look at a walnut, it looks like what? It looks like the human brain. Walnuts also contain Omega-3 fatty acids so there’s double the reason to enjoy these nuts for brain health.

11. Dark Chocolate

Saving the best for last, eat dark chocolate for your brain (and your taste buds!). Dark chocolate boosts concentration, mood and actually improves blood flow to the brain. The darker the chocolate, the better!

Jim Kwik’s tip: make a brain food smoothie every morning with most of these ingredients (but leave the salmon and eggs for another meal!).


Jim Kwik went from being the boy with the broken brain to a world leader in accelerated learning! Today, Jim uses his experience of shattering those limiting beliefs to help others break through similar barriers and get their brains to reach their full potential. He shares more on his coaching and the impact it has had in Episode 3, along with other incredible stories from experts like Jon Gabriel, Dr. Libby Weaver, Marie Forleo, Vishen Lakhiani, Bruce Lipton, and more!

You can watch here.



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