5 Key Elements to Setting Up Your at Home Yoga Space
Practicing yoga from home has some great advantages. To set up the perfect environment, see our 5 key elements to set up a beautiful and inspiring yoga space at home.
1. Defining a Special “Yoga” Space
Have a good think about where in your home you can create a special yoga space just for you. It's best if it is a room or area in your home that you will be relatively undisturbed and quiet.
It doesn’t have to be a large space but chooses somewhere you feel totally comfortable and at ease.
2. Mat
Whilst you can do yoga almost anywhere - carpet, beach, grass - we do recommend investing in a quality mat. Remember this is your sacred space, once you step on your mat, you are investing in yourself and your practice.
There are so many mats to choose from nowadays, ranging from beautiful patterns that inspire you and your practice, to eco rubber, to uber-modern designs – the choices are endless! Here are 5 sustainable mats we love.
3. Decorating
Have fun and decorate your home yoga space with crystals and plants. You may want to get inspired by creating a Pinterest Board. It doesn’t have to be expensive or perfect, it just needs to inspire you to get to the mat and continue your practice.
4. Music
Music and yoga, a match made in heaven, don’t you think?
Why not take some time to create a few yoga playlists? Do some searching online and you will find endless ideas to create your playlists for different styles of yoga flows (gentle, power, yin, or meditation). Design your playlist to a specific time limit, 60 mins, 30 mins, 10 mins.
Get creative and get inspired by the type of music that you love, music that moves you. It’s your playlist and your own home studio – you have total control. You can create a playlist full of gangster rap or pan pipes! It’s your choice.
5. Scent
Why not diffuse some essential oils in your at home yoga space? Diffuse essential oils that will evoke the energy you are trying to create in your at home yoga flows (i.e. choose energizing essential oils for power flows or relaxing essential oils for gentle flows).
If you need some guidance, check out James and Laurentine’s favorites, along with tips on what to look for in an essential oil with their Essential Oils Guide here.
There you have it, 5 great ideas to get you started with your home yoga practice!
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