
Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out

Nov 17, 2014 8.1K Views

Our skin may be the largest organ in our bodies, but it'€™s also the last place to receive nutrients. Give your skin a drink from the inside out with these 7 hydrating foods!


5 Of The Best Drinks For Your Health

by James Colquhoun Apr 21, 2015 15K Views

Water is essential for good health but we can't say no to having a glass or two of these healthy beverages! Supercharge your hydration by including these 5 drinks into your weekly routine!


Raw Mango & Macadamia Cheesecake

by Helen Tzouganatos Sep 10, 2020 1.8K Views

Packed with nutrient-dense ingredients, raw vegan desserts have exploded onto the cafe scene in recent years as more and more people seek delicious ‘clean’ treats. All you need here is a food processor to blitz together your gluten-, dairy- and refined sugar-free ingredients to create three stunning layers. I love this tropical combo of mango, macadamia, and coconut with a squeeze of zesty lime juice to make all the flavors sing. Macadamias are waxy so they are fantastic for ‘creaming’, but cashews work equally well.


Detox Enema's - Why and How?

Mar 15, 2010 22K Views

Ever heard of the phrase "death begins in the colon"? Enema's and colonic irrigation have been used for many centuries to remove toxins and built up waste from the body. Read about the importance of maintaining optimal colon health and how you can achieve this.


From Health Scare to Healthy Living in 108 Days

by James Colquhoun Oct 05, 2019 6.2K Views

One of, if not the driving force behind what we do, is seeing stories of transformation from people who come to Food Matters and FMTV for help. As soon as I read this one, I knew I needed to share it with you to highlight his incredible success and transformation!


The Food Matters 10 Days of Christmas

Dec 01, 2017 5.1K Views

It's that magical time of year during the holiday season! There's the dazzle of lights all around, and special songs in the air. It's a time to reflect and honor all this year's learnings, and it's a time to share special gifts with the ones we love.


The Best and Worst Foods For Your Teeth

by James Colquhoun Feb 19, 2019 3.5K Views

Just like every other part of the body, teeth need specific nutrients to thrive. To help you keep those biters pearly white and fit for healthy feasting, here's our list of foods to enjoy and foods to avoid for better oral health.


20 Food Facts That Will Shock You!

by James Colquhoun Sep 21, 2015 10K Views

Have you ever been mind blown by your lunch, shocked by your smoothie or bewildered by your paleo snack bar? No, us neither, but you're about to be shocked by these food facts we have discovered.


How To Avoid Toxic Cleaning Chemicals!

Apr 06, 2014 2.5K Views

Did you know the average American home contains between 3-10 gallons of toxic household cleaning products in their home? That's a whole lot of harmful substances and environmentally damaging material! Discover what the worst offenders are, and what the best natural DIY items are to use for your annual spring-clean.


8 Snacks That Aren’t As Healthy As You Think

by James Colquhoun Jan 19, 2016 5.9K Views

Is that snack healthy? Discover some healthy snacks that are actually more of a treat!

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