What's Really In A Twinkie?


Ever wondered what’s actually in a Twinkie? It’s a wonder it’s sold as food at all! Find out why it’s the poster child for Frankenfoods below and the key reasons why we’d never touch a Twinkie!

  • A single Twinkie contains 37 ingredients, but only 5 of them are ‘recognizable’. Flour. Egg. Water. Sugar. Salt. 
  • Twinkies’ ingredients are manufactured with fourteen of the top twenty chemicals made in the U.S.
  • Wholefood ingredients have been replaced by chemical concoctions. For example, less egg has been used, as they’ve been replaced by monoglycerides and diglycerides - chemicals to bind fats and water-based ingredients, and extend the shelf life of the product.
  • It contains harmful ingredients that contribute significant risk to chronic disease including high fructose corn syrup (and 4 other types of sugar!) Yep there’s 5 types of nasty sugar in a Twinkie! 
  • The unhealthiest kind of fats are lurking in there - hydrogenated vegetable fats (trans fats) which are simply awful for your health! 
  • The vitamins, artificial colors, and flavorings come from petroleum.
  • The cream center contains absolutely no cream! Instead, it’s full of shortening - a cheap fat. 
  • It also contains a small amount of sodium stearate - one of the most common ingredients found in soap! No thank you!
  • So many of the ingredients come from overseas including China, where there are hardly any regulations placed on their use. Scary!

Just take a look at the ingredients list:

That box of creamy sponge cake might look innocent, but they're anything but!




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