Are Super-Bugs A Real Threat

Written by Charlotte Gerson as featured in Food Matters

A recent headline on the San Diego Union-Tribune's front page read: "Drug-resistant TB spread gaining, WHO says", adding, "Infection rate faster than experts feared." I can't help but remember the remarkable success Dr. Gerson had in his treatment of tuberculosis during the late 1920s and early ‘30s. At that time, there were no antibiotics at all. Since TB is caused by a germ, in order to overcome the deadly disease, the therapy must have increased the patient's immune system so the body was able to kill the germs and heal.

In the meantime antibiotics were found to kill the germs-however, with the rampant overuse of antibiotics in meat production and medical treatment, antibiotic-resistant strains developed and are spreading, with the result that tuberculosis has re-emerged as an "unstoppable" disease threat. It seems to me that rather than having stronger germs, over the decades, with the huge increase in the use of pesticides, food chemicals, drugs, fluoridated water, and so many other immune system depressants, not to mention the SAD (Standard American Diet), smoking and fast-foods, we are more likely dealing with much more seriously weakened immune systems than with more powerful germs.

Germs, which evolve quickly, have become antibiotic resistant due to our abuse of these one-time "wonder" drugs however, I believe, they cannot develop a resistance to a working, strengthened immune system.

Source: The Gerson Institute Newsletter

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