Cancer Related Articles


Natural Treatment Protocols For Cancer

Over 39% of all U.S. adults will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. There is no doubt that these statistics are terrifying but we are inspired …

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Health Tips

Reduce The Risk Of Cancer With 6 Healthy Lifestyle Changes

2.5K Views Kate McBride Kate McBride

Cancer. As devastating as this disease can be, here are 6 steps that you can implement to reduce your risk and improve the quality …

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Natural Therapies

Essential Oils For Skin Cancer Prevention

15K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

Can essential oils really heal? Unlike chemically manufactured perfume oils, essential oils are always used in their purest form and thus possess potent therapeutic …

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Health Hazards

Monsanto Forced To Display Cancer Warning Labels

5.4K Views Laurentine ten Bosch Laurentine ten Bosch

The government of California has identified Monsanto’s Roundup as a potential cancer threat, forcing them to label their product as dangerous to humans!

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Health Tips

6 Ways To Prevent Cancer Naturally (And How To Stay Healthy After!)

13K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

What’s the best way to prevent cancer? What’s the next best steps once you've recovered? Read these top tips for preventing cancer and staying …

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Health Hazards

5 Tips To Avoid Cancer-Causing Chemicals

6.0K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Cancer is one of the world’s most common non-communicable diseases. Discover the common chemicals that may be contributing to cancer and 5 key tips …

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Natural Therapies

Yeast Is A Cause of Cancer And Turmeric Can Kill Both, Research Confirms

13K Views Sayer Ji Sayer Ji

Once again, turmeric is proving its healing powers. Sayer Ji talks about a recent study where yeast is named as a cancer causer and …

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Natural Therapies

Research Suggests Maple Syrup Can Kill Cancer Cells!

3.7K Views Sayer Ji Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji discusses new research suggesting that maple syrup, despite being a concentrated source of "sugar," possesses significant anti-cancer properties.

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The Controversial Cancer Docu-Series That Could Change Your Life!

5.1K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Discover the FREE docu-series that could change your life! Uncover the secret cancer treatments that Big Pharma don't want you to know about, and …

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