
Keto Green Smoothie (Vegan and Gluten-Free)

by Sofia Norton May 30, 2019 1.1K Views

This vega and keto-friendly green smoothie is a perfect example of how you can have the best of both worlds packed in a single cup. Made with healthful greens, antioxidant-rich matcha, and ketogenic fats, this smoothie is perfect for the vegan keto dieter.


Kids in the Kitchen + Berry Smoothie Bowl

by Laurentine ten Bosch Apr 09, 2019 1.8K Views

I love getting in the kitchen with my boys. It can be messy, it can test my patience, and it's definitely not perfect. But the fun we have and the culinary knowledge the boys develop is priceless.


12 Smoothie Recipes To Supercharge Your Day

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 30, 2015 32K Views

Enjoy these 12 smoothies recipes that are healthy, delicious, and set to supercharge your day!


5 Simple Smoothie Recipes To Start Your Day

by The Chalkboard Mag Feb 20, 2015 3.6K Views

Looking to streamline your morning routine? Steal these 5 make-ahead smoothie ideas for the easiest morning ever…


3 Morning Smoothie Recipes to Boost Your Energy!

by Rachel Morrow Oct 01, 2019 9.8K Views

Kick-off your day with a smoothie combination that will boost your energy, give you clarity and help you start your day in a nourished state.


How to Build the Perfect Green Smoothie (Infographic)

by James Colquhoun Jan 21, 2019 8.2K Views

Are you ever guilty of posting photos of green smoothies to social media? We certainly are! To us, a green smoothie is something so beautiful. Learn why we love them and what our fool-proof formula is!


James McLoughlin

Green Press and our founder James McLoughlin are determined to make people feel alive. We help people through our informative blog, innovative health food products and a monthly FREE smoothie programme, Smoothie Rehab. We take veggies seriously, but not ourselves.


What Are The Benefits of Vacuum Blending?

by James Colquhoun May 15, 2019 3.9K Views

Vacuum blenders are a new breed of blenders that blend your ingredients in a ‘vacuum’ environment to reduce oxidation and create a more smooth smoothie.


20 Food Facts That Will Shock You!

by James Colquhoun Sep 21, 2015 10K Views

Have you ever been mind blown by your lunch, shocked by your smoothie or bewildered by your paleo snack bar? No, us neither, but you're about to be shocked by these food facts we have discovered.


Creamy Mango Lassi With A Superfood Boost

Jun 02, 2014 440 Views

Calling all smoothie addicts! This one is for you. Healthy, refined sugar free, nutritious and delicious. The perfect combination where sweet meets sour and deliciousness meets healthy. Do you need any more reasons to give this a try?

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