
How a Plant-Based Diet Transformed Rich Rolls Life

by James Colquhoun Sep 09, 2021 433 Views

Rich Roll was a successful lawyer, who in his own words, spent the better part of his life chasing the ‘American Dream’, without really thinking about what he wanted to get out of his life. He had struggled with a past history of addiction, and on getting sober, threw his addictive tendencies into his career - something I think that many people are familiar with.


Ginger Lemon Morning Tonic

by Rachel Morrow Mar 04, 2022 2.8K Views

Start your day fresh or reinvigorate yourself later in the day with this energizing tummy tamer! There’s a reason why so many of us wake up to a glass of warm lemon water! Lemon juice helps flush out toxins and aids digestion by encouraging the production of bile. It is also a great source of essential nutrients including citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Ginger has been used for over 2,000 years to help support digestion and treat stomach upsets, diarrhea, and nausea. The addition of ginger to this drink helps to soothe the stomach, reduce inflammation and provide a gentle pick-me-up!


5 Eating Tips To Live By

by Arianna Sertoli Sep 04, 2015 1.3K Views

We all have those things we do daily that set us up for a beautiful day, here are just 5 simple things you can start doing daily to have you eating healthier and feeling better!


How To Reverse Brain Fog In Less Than 20 Minutes

by Laurentine ten Bosch Oct 22, 2017 18K Views

Lack of water to the brain can cause numerous side effects, such as difficulty with focus, memory, brain fatigue and brain fog, as well as headaches, sleep issues, anxiety, depression and moodiness. Learn more here...


Stop Focusing On What To Avoid In Your Diet

by Delia McCabe Mar 08, 2015 469 Views

This is something that we talked about in depth in Hungry For Change... Discover the true power of adding in the good foods, with less focus on what not to eat!


The 'Champagne of Kombucha'? I'll Drink To That!

by Felicity Evans Sep 14, 2017 7.5K Views

Sweet, tingly, and nutritious, this apple kombucha recipe will be a hit for your tastebuds and a welcome treat for your gut!


7 Health Benefits of Fennel

by Laurentine ten Bosch Dec 31, 2021 812 Views

It may seem a little crazy to be this passionate about fennel, but when it comes to the health benefits on offer, the flavors are an added bonus. So what’s so great about fennel? Read on to find out.


Top 10 Health Documentaries Of All Time

by James Colquhoun Sep 24, 2015 13K Views

At Food Matters we love sharing powerful lifesaving messages with as many people as possible, this is why we created Food Matters in the first place. We wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't continue to share all of these films with you!


Mike Adams Interviews Charlotte Gerson

by James Colquhoun Mar 15, 2010 257 Views

Join Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com and Charlotte Gerson of The Gerson Institute (as featured in 'http://www.foodmatters.tv/') in this fascinating interview about the history of mainstream oppression against cancer cures and leading anti-cancer doctors. This goes all the way back to the Nazis, IG Farben and the history of pharmaceutical companies like Bayer, which were implicated in the chemical torture of concentration camp prisoners.


DIY Coconut Yogurt 4 Ways

by Sara Korzeniewski Oct 31, 2015 2.8K Views

What if I told you that you can make your own at home with only 2 ingredients and for a fraction of the cost? Would you give it a try?

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