Silky Smooth Cacao Mousse


Silky, smooth cacao mousse. The best part is, it's super tasty, gut-friendly, and did we mention chocolately and smooth? Oh yeah, we did!  It's also made with grass-fed gelatin, which is well known for assisting with gut, skin, and joint health!

As with any animal product, just make sure you are using a brand that comes from purely pasture-fed, organic sources.



  1. Heat the coconut milk on medium-low in a heavy-bottomed pot.
  2. Add the raw cacao and whisk until well combined.
  3. Once combined, whisk in the gelatin by slowly pouring as you whisk.
  4. Whisk in the vanilla extract.
  5. Pour into your desired glasses or cups and chill for at least 2 hours, or until set.

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