Coconut Bark With Rosewater, Pistachios and Raspberries
This sweet and nourishing bark will hit all the points of pleasurable eating right through from the ingredient selection to the moment of savoring.
There really is something special about this sweet treat. It’s almost too beautiful to eat with its vivid, colorful hues of red raspberries, glowing green pistachios and a sprinkling of rosewater, the flower of love.
This wholesome snack is also Ayurvedically designed; a perfect summer morning tea or light dessert to pacify the doshas of vata or pitta and comes from my new book Eat Right for Your Shape.
If you’re feeling anxious, with scattered thoughts, your vata may need some balancing. The density of healthy coconut fats in this bark will help to ground you physically and have a flow on effect to your fleeting mind and emotions. It will help to calm and balance your quickened energy, leaving you in a state of calm focus.
If you’re the fiery pitta type, with a strong desire to debate and argue and with a tendency to become hot, angry or agitated- especially in the summer heat, you’ll also benefit from the cooling effects of the coconut and the soothing, balancing effects of aromatic rosewater.
On top of the dosha pacifying qualities, your body will revere in the delivery of a potent punch of antioxidants including vitamin C, quercetin and gallic acid from raspberries that help to fight against cancer, heart disease and the signs of aging.
Serve this stunning snack presented on your prettiest platter. It’ll make you and your partner feel like royalty- even if just for the few minutes (or seconds) it will take you both to enjoy it!
- 55 g (2 oz) coconut butter
- 400 ml (14 fl oz) tin additive-free coconut cream
- 2 tbsp rosewater, optional (recipe below or purchased)
- Pinch of Celtic sea salt
- 1 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract
- A handful of raspberries
- A handful of pistachio kernels, roughly chopped
- Line a baking tray or baking sheet with baking paper.
- Melt the coconut butter in a bowl sitting over (but not touching) boiling water. Add the coconut cream, rosewater (if using), salt and vanilla, and stir to combine.
- Pour onto the prepared tray and scatter over the raspberries and pistachios.
- Freeze for at least 30 minutes or until solid. Remove from the freezer and break into shards or chop into squares. Store in an airtight container in the freezer.
- 750 ml (26 Fl oz/3 cups) filtered water
- 3 large unsprayed roses, petals only, white bases removed
- ½ tsp lime juice
- Prepare the rosewater the day before you want to serve the tea.
- In a heavy-based saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the rose petals and lime juice, then turn off the heat, cover and allow to infuse overnight.
- The next day, strain the rosewater into a large jug. Discard the petals.
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