Boost Your Vitality With These 4 Elixir Shots!
Our elixir tonics are like a super-concentrated shot of goodness to boost your vitality and have your body feeling on top of the world!
#1 Immunity Elixir
You've heard us sing the praises of turmeric before, but if you are still unsure of how to use it, now is the time to get acquainted! Mixed with immune-boosting ginger and lemon, this combo is perfect for when you are feeling a little run-down and battling. A go-to recipe for the Food Matters Team when the pesky cold & flu hits!
- 1-inch ginger
- 1/2 lemon (skin on if organic and you like it)
- 1-inch turmeric
- 1/4 cup coconut water (if you need some extra liquid)
- Put all ingredients through the juicer and drink straight away!
#2 Balance Elixir
Maca has quite the reputation for assisting to balance your hormones. You see, it is an endocrine adaptogen which means that while it doesn't actually contains hormones, it has the ability to support healthy hormone production. Cinnamon can help you keep the sugar cravings away come 3pm making this elixir the perfect balancing tonic for you mid-afternoon!
- 1/4 cup coconut or almond milk
- 1/2 - 1 tbsp maca powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 Medjool date, pitted
- Blend all ingredients together in your blender until smooth and creamy! Drink straight away.
#3 Cleansing Elixir
Try this elixir for a week and notice how good you feel! A combination of powder ingredients that your digestive system will love! The gel of Aloe Vera contains enzymes, minerals, anti-microbial and amino acids that will aid digestion, reduce inflammation and help cleanse your body, combine it with hydrating cucumber and Food Matters Superfood Greens and you'll be on your way to feeling cleansed, rejuvenated and hydrated.
- 2 Aloe Vera stems , skinned
- 1 small cucumber
1 tbsp greens powder
- Handful of fresh parsley
- 1/4 cup coconut water (if you need extra liquid)
- Juice all ingredients and drink immediately.
#4 Energy Tonic
Using coffee for energy is a little controversial but it remains one of the most consumed beverages in the world. By
making an informed choice
about low toxin coffee, you might be surprised as to what it can actually do for you. Combining coffee with grass-fed butter and coconut oil can assist with better brain function, a longer lasting energy and boost your metabolism.
- 1 shot of organic coffee
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tbsp organic grass-fed butter
- Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy!
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