3 Refreshing And Functional Juice Recipes
You’ve probably heard that we are big fans of cold-press juicing, and you’ve probably heard of the benefits of juicing.
Before you go throwing whatever in the juicer, learn about some of the best ingredients to use that are functional for your body! Here are 3 refreshing and functional juice recipes.
1. Blood Purifier Juice
Beetroot is the star ingredient in this juice. It is best known as a blood purifier that helps in the creation of red blood cells. Beet juice is also high in dietary nitrate, and a rich source of folate and manganese. Its superstar powers help to improve the structure of your blood and aids in curing diseases of the circulatory system, large intestine, and digestive system, along with dissolving stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder. Enjoy over ice any time of day, or directly before a workout to help improve your performance!
2. Heavy Metal Detox Juice
This juice is a nutritional powerhouse packed with parsley and cilantro, which are known to bind and purge heavy metals from the body, purifying your tissues, organs and blood. They also help to improve digestion and guard against free radical damage! A recent study showed cilantro even purifies water!
3. V-Eight Juice
This juice contains all the components of a healthy salad. Perfect for those on a low-sugar diet or simply looking to bump up their vegetable intake. Just one glass of this each day will cleanse and nourish your cells, helping your body to thrive!
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