Foods To Support Skin Through Changes In Season


How incredible is our skin? It’s our largest organ and often a wonderful indicator of what may be going on in our insides. Hormonal imbalances, gut issues, dehydration… It all shows up in our skin. And like any health concerns that arise in our body, the right foods can be the most powerful medicine. 

Something that many people don’t realize is how much the needs of your skin change throughout the seasons. The perfect products for you in summer could be doing the world of damage to your skin during the winter, so just as you adopt a richer moisturizer for cooler months, it’s important to make sure your diet nourishes your skin all year long. Here are a few seasonal foods to make your skin shine bright, 365 days of the year.

Tropical Fruits During Summer

For that summer afternoon glow, tuck into a bowl of fresh, tropical fruits - the more local the better! With high water and vitamin content, these fruits will help to counter the effects of any accidental beach-day dehydration. Mango, for example, is rich in micronutrients but also contains anti-inflammatories that protect your skin from any DNA damage under the harsh sun. Watermelon, extremely rich in water, is also incredible for addressing any acne concerns due to its ability to help flush toxins out of your system. It also contains lycopene, which is associated with smoother skin and improved skin texture, density, and thickness.

Pumpkin In Fall for Cell Growth

Fall is the time where our bodies begin to adapt to the changes in season, and this becomes evident in our skin. Through these months, just as we start nesting and beginning our winter hibernation prep, so does our skin - so make use of the bountiful seasonal foods to help nourish its needs. Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, especially, are one of the top sources of beta-carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A - essential for the growth of skin cells. The zinc present is also wonderful for inflammation and acne. Pumpkin also protects the skin from UV damage, which sneaks up on you in cooler days. Start to incorporate high-quality nuts, grains, and legumes into your meals where you can too, to build up the essential fatty acids for winter.

Healthy Fats Throughout Winter

Those who live in cooler climates will attest that weather extremities are the most damaging for your skin. If you live in an area with strong winds or heavy snows, you should already be reaching for a richer moisturizer when the days get colder and your nose gets runnier, but you can support your skin’s hydration and elasticity from the inside too. Healthy fats like avocado, oily fish, and nuts and seeds act as a natural moisturizer - and they help to regulate your oil function, meaning no more nasty breakouts or shiny t-zone. Plus, those omega-3 rich foods act as powerful anti-inflammatories for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Vitamin C Rich Foods In Spring

This water-soluble vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants we can include in our diets, which is vital for detoxification and fighting off free radicals, ultimately slowing the aging process. Just as we use a topical Vitamin C serum for radiant, luminous skin, having a rich supply in your diet will aid in overall detoxification. Spring is the natural point in the year where our bodies begin to break free from hibernation and search for the opportunity to start anew, so give it a little lemon-loving to help it along its way.

Water All Year Round

This goes without saying, but don’t forget to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, all year round. As well as being so important for a healthy body, drinking 8 glasses of water a day is one of the best things you can do for your skin. You’ll notice the vibrant and fresh difference within days.

What are your go-to foods for radiant skin all year round? Share with our community in the comments below...