Cancer Related Articles


Natural Treatment Protocols For Cancer

Over 39% of all U.S. adults will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. There is no doubt that these statistics are terrifying but we are inspired …

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Health Hazards

Is It Time To Boycott The American Cancer Society?


The truth they do NOT want you to know - where the money really goes and who's getting wealthy from your donations. Plus their …

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Health Hazards

The Root Cause of Cancer Almost Universally Ignored by Doctors


Cancer rates have increased over the last 40 years and have now surpassed heart disease. In this article Dr Joseph Mercola discusses the root …

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Health Hazards

What Do They Do To Lab Rats to Induce Cancer?


It's difficult to understand medical establishment claims that the cause of cancer and other diseases is unknown, when these diseases are easily created in …

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Natural Therapies

A Remarkable Cancer Survivor's Story (Video)

1.6K Views James Colquhoun James Colquhoun

Watch this fantastic 10-minute video testimonial of an ovarian cancer survivor and how she turned to holistic therapy and detoxification for a cure.

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Natural Therapies

Can Eating Junkfood Cure Cancer?


As ludicrous as it may sound this is no joke people, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is now selling pink buckets of chicken under the …

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Natural Therapies

What Women MUST Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer


It is now widely accepted that menstrual cycles are a "curse" and the Pill has relieved women of these monthly tortures. But does the …

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Natural Therapies

Healing Cancer Naturally - A Holistic Approach


It's up to each individual to empower themselves with knowledge of the myriad ways to eradicate cancer without harming the body. This article gives …

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Red Cabbage Found To Contain 36 Anti-Cancer Properties


Red cabbage contains 36 different varieties of anthocyanins, a class of flavonoids that have been linked to cancer protection, according to a new study …

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Could Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer


Breast cancer rates increased significantly in four Norwegian counties after women there began getting mammograms every two years. In fact, according to background information …

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Can Hot Dogs Cause Cancer?


75% of all Americans do not even eat five servings a day of fruits or vegetables. That is bad enough. It is even worse …

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