Why You Should Never Use Your Phone After 6:00 PM


A good night’s sleep is one of the best things we can do for the health of our body, yet the majority of us still struggle with what sounds like a simple facet of life. The importance of enough quality deep sleep should not be underestimated. It is the time where we rest, recover and rejuvenate.

Unfortunately many modern day aspects are working against us when it comes to our sleep. Artificial light, electronics, stressful jobs, and caffeine are a few things that can have a significant impact on your sleep, however, there are a few simple things to considering doing for a better night’s sleep. 


Exercise has countless health benefits.  One of them is its ability to help us sleep by fatiguing the body. While exercise is extremely beneficial, it is best done during the day rather than at night when you’re trying to relax. Strenuous exercise can result in a release of adrenaline and make you feel awake for a period of time afterwards; exactly what you don’t need in the evenings.

Avoid Caffeine After Noon

Caffeine is a stimulant that will affect sleep. With a half-life of approximately 5 hours, about a quarter of the caffeine in a 3:00 p.m. cup of coffee are still in the system after 10:00 p.m. when you should be heading to sleep.  While you may not feel the effects of the coffee that you had earlier, caffeine has been shown to disrupt your sleep.

Eat Dinner Early

Get your final meal in as early as you can to give your body enough time to fully empty your stomach. It may take up to two hours for a full stomach to empty, so give yourself adequate time before trying to sleep. An empty stomach will help avoid acid reflux issues which can worsen when you lie down to sleep.

Install A Blue Light Filter On Your Computer And Phone

If you’re like most people, using your phone and computer in the evenings, consider installing a blue light filter. The blue wavelength of light is the most potent portion of the visible light spectrum that affects our sleep. These filters are easily downloadable for your mobile devices and computers, and act by automatically cutting out blue light in the evenings.

Black Out Your Bedroom

Try and sleep in complete darkness. This may be difficult to achieve, but our body’s melatonin production, which helps us sleep, is best in dark environments. Any artificial light present while trying to sleep can interrupt our circadian rhythm as well as suppress melatonin production, negatively impacting your sleep. If any light is making its way into your bedroom, try and eliminate it as best you can. This may involve turning off or unplugging all electronic devices, installing thicker curtains, or using black sheets to block out street lights.

Go To Sleep Earlier

Studies have shown the hours before midnight to be extremely beneficial when it comes to a good night’s sleep. It is recommended you try to get to sleep before 10:00 p.m. as these earlier hours are more important than the total number of hours sleep you get. If you’re feeling groggy upon waking, don’t try to sleep more.  Rather, try to get to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.

Sleep plays a huge role in our energy levels and can dictate how we feel during the day, which is why everyone should consider these six tips. Some might not work for everyone and changing your daily habits may take some time, but keep working at it and hopefully you’ll be getting that regular good night’s sleep you’ve dreamed of having.

What Are Your Secrets For A Restful Night's Sleep?

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