4 Of The Best Oils For Your Skin


It sounds counterintuitive to be putting oils on your face, when for years we’ve been searching the shelves for oil-free products out of fear that oil would turn us into a greasy, blemished mess! But switching to a natural oil based skincare range is one of the best things you can do for your skin! The oil nourishes and soothes the skin allowing the active ingredients in your skincare to sink deeper into the skin, enhancing their beneficial effects! Who would’ve thought!

There are many wonderful oils available, but these are some of our favorites due to their proven skin-loving benefits:

Rosehip Oil

This oil penetrates deep into the skin where it helps to regenerate your cells and increase collagen production. It’s rich in vitamin C, omega-3’s and omega-6 fatty acids known to help heal scar tissue and reduce inflammation. It is also high in retinoic acid (the key ingredient in retinol products!) which helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Hello anti-aging benefits!

But it doesn’t just protect against signs of premature aging, it also contains linoleic acid that, in combination with its other powerful ingredients, can help repair acne-prone skin with mild scarring and blemishes, and prevent more breakouts. Bring on clear, radiant skin!

Best for: Uneven skin, scars, fine lines, anti-aging and acne-prone skin. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is perfect for super sensitive skin. It’s anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory, plus it’s small molecular structure allows for easy absorption, giving your skin a soft, smooth texture. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil also help to retain the moisture content of the skin, making it a great choice for skin conditions such as eczema. Use it all year round as it helps to soothe your skin in the cold, windy months, as well as replenish moisture after a little too much sun exposure! The lauric acid content protects the skin’s surface making it an ideal ointment to relieve dry, rough skin. 

Best for: Normal, sensitive and/or dry skin, and eczema. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a good all-round moisturizer as it’s rich in fatty acids, vitamin A and E. Olive oil is similar to the oils naturally produced by our skin so it’s also absorbed well, helping to boost your skin’s elasticity. The antioxidants in olive oil may even help protect against skin cancer! However, those with acne prone skin should avoid using it on their face as it’s a heavier oil and can contribute to blemishes. It makes a luscious addition to a bath, or when applied prior to showering. The warm water allows your skin to absorb more moisture from the oil, and then you towel dry off the excess! Brilliant!

Best for: Dry, dehydrated skin. 

Sesame Oil

Despite it’s popularity as a beautiful cooking oil, sesame oil has not yet had the fame it deserves in the skincare world. This golden toned oil is a skin’s everyday secret weapon! Sesame oil can act in a similar way to sunscreen by shielding your skin from sun damage, resisting 30% of UV rays! If you’ve cut yourself, applying sesame oil on cuts and wounds helps them to heal faster due to it’s antibacterial properties. It can also help with skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, moisturising and nourishing your skin, whilst providing anti-inflammatory benefits. Sesamol, vitamin E and other potent antioxidants help fight free radical damage, and due to it’s high viscosity, the oil easily seeps into the skin, repairing damaged skin cells and nourishing from within. 

Best For: Sun lovers and wound-prone skin. 

Not sure what oil to try first? We’re loving Annemarie Gianni’s range of organic herbal skin oils! Find out more here.

Learn more about how you can mix your favorite oils with essential oils to receive the powerful healing benefits. 

Have You Used Oil As Part Of Your Skincare Regime?



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